Service Times


9:45 A.M: Sunday School

11:00 A.M:   Worship Gathering

6:00 P.M:  Corporate Prayer


6:30-7:30 PM: EQUIP Class for all ages


Yes. We have Sunday School classes for all ages and a nursery is provided for infants through age 5 during the Worship Gathering. Ages 6-adult worship together in the sanctuary.

Sunday Evening: A nursery is provided

Wednesday Evening: Nursery is provided; Classes for 1st-5th Grade will meet; and 6th Grade- adult meet together for Equip class.


There is no EXPECTATION of dress. We meet as a family to worship God through music, prayer, and the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. At GPBC, you will find all variations of dress. Our emphasis is on worshipping God as a family.

GPBC Front View.jpg

Phone: Office:(864)378-7803 Pastor’s Mobile: (864)828-1214

Address: 300 Chicken Foot Creek Rd. Woodruff, SC 29388


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