What We Believe
Green Pond Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and the Spartanburg County Baptist Network. Hence, we endorse and are in total agreement with The Baptist Faith and Message (2000). A link to this document is provided below.
Because one of the hallmarks of the SBC is the autonomy of the local church (as was the case with churches in the New Testament), Southern Baptist congregations may vary in church polity, governance, style and order in a worship service, etc.; yet, we hold fast to the belief of the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture and that Scripture is the sole authority for the believer in this world.
Therefore, while we at GPBC may have some small areas of practice that differ from other churches in the SBC, our belief in the doctrines of Scripture, God, Man, Sin, Salvation, the Church, Marriage and Family, Grace, the Ordinances, etc. is in full agreement with The Baptist Faith
and Message (2000).