Stand Alone Sermons Image

Stand alone Sermons

Collection of individual sermons that are not part of a specific Book Series

October 11, 2020: Todd Nethery gives a sound and timely explanation of the "truth" in the context of John 14:6-7.

Sermon Series

Sermons Series

The Incarnation

Ecclesiology: Doctrine of the Church (June 14-Aug. 2, 2020)

Jude: Contending for the Faith (April 19-June 7, 2020)

A study through the book of Jude

God’s Sovereignty in Uncertain Times (Mar. 22-Apr. 12, 2020)

In the Beginning, God…

GENESIS: GOD Reveals His Plan for the Universe

Genesis 1:1-2 September 8 2019 did not record, due to technical difficulties. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Previous Series

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The Mission

Reviewing the MISSION of the Church


Emmanuel…God With us

Why we can “Fear Not”

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“Christ is the comprehensive mystery underlying the Psalms… and all of Scripture”


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The Epistles of the Apostle John


Foreshadowing and Fruition of the Messiah

Christmas 2018